Lip Fillers and Lip Augumentation
Lip fillers are ideal for enhancing volume in lips which may be lacking in shape or elasticity, and are used to create a natural but bold appearance.
Often, people experience a visible change in the appearance of their lips as a result of the natural ageing process which produces thinner and less defined lips, although many other people just naturally have narrower lips with a less pronounced cupid’s bow.
Whatever the reasoning regarding the client's desire to undergo this treatment, we are here to offer a treatment plan tailored to you. We specalize in lip augmentations in pronoucing the cupid's bow.
Lip fillers are dermal fillers, which have been specifically developed to enhance the face's natural appearance, helping to achieve a more defined and enhanced impression.
Lip fillers are semi-permanent, manmade and vegan which take effect by mimicking the body’s natural hyaluronic acid, providing safe, long-lasting and natural looking results.
Lip fillers deliver almost immediate results (within 48 hours) by enhancing the lips’ natural shape and plumpness.
Which Dermal Fillers do you use ?
How long do lip fillers last ?
We use REVOLAX™, a non-animal based hyaluronic acid with high purity, it is a completely natural substance optimised to synchronise with human skin tissue. REVOLAX™ has a unique cross linking technology that does not need free hyaluronic acid to adjust the physical property of its gel formula. REVOLAX™ has a low percentage of product migration, meaning that once injected the product is more likely to stay close to the injection site with accuracy.
We also use Dermal Revolution products, or upon request other brands of dermal filler (e.g. Juverderm) that client's may personally prefer.
The malleable consistency of all of our dermal fillers creates immediate and long lasting volume, this also allows the product to break down evenly with a natural finish.
Dermal fillers normally display immediate results that will last for between 6 to 12 months and can be topped up when their effects begin to diminish.
During this time, the dermal fillers will naturally dissipate and appearance prior to treatment will eventually resume.
If the client is unhappy in the months following their treatment the dermal fillers can be dissolved to restore their previous image.
Is lip enhancement painful ?
It would be misleading to claim that lip enhancement is painless. Lips are very sensitive and therefore a topical aesthetic can be administered to the lips prior to the injection in order to reassure and relax the client during the treatment by numbing the area. There may still be some discomfort, if this is painful please inform us and we will ease this as much as possible.
If you have any further questions regading lip fillers please visit our dermal fillers age for further information. Alternativley please do not hesitate to contact us or visit our FAQs page for additonal help. Our prices can be found here.